"23Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:23-25
Sunday School Classes 9:30 - 10:15 AM include
(NOTE: Memorial Day thru Sept 3, 2023 - THERE IS NO SUNDAY SCHOOL)
Koinonia Class meet in the new addition class room and study from The Parables of Jesus. Teacher: Boyd West
Willing Workers Class meet in Classroom #6 and also study from the Church of God Quarterly. Teacher: Ron Van Horn
New Young Adult Class meet in Classroom #5 Experiencing God by Henry Blackably. Teachers: Kala Cunningham and Autumn Heinz
Wednesday Evening
Bible Study and Prayer at 6:30 in the sanctuary
For Summer Schedule - please see on-line calendar for plans each Wednesday evening
Our Seniors
The Young at Heart meet as announced for fun, food and fellowship. You can find when and where by clicking on the upcoming events or monthly calendar.
Ladie's Bible Study
Ladies of all ages are invited to our Bible Study. We meet in the church parlor for weekly studies. After a study is selected, we typically have the chance to order our own book prior to the first week.
Our upcoming study is "Esther - Seeing God When He is Silent". It is a short 3 week study (that may be extened to a 4th week) and led by Chris LeViere and Jen Davis. We meet in the church parlor at 10:00 AM starting Monday January 20 and going to the 3rd week Monday February 3 (or Feb 10th if extended to the 4th week). Come join us at 9:30 to share in snacks and fellowship prior to starting the study.
Ladie's Group
Ladies of all ages are invited to meet monthly for fellowship, snacks and devotions.
Here are some of our activities, always followed by a related devotion:
- Support a Child of Promise
- Crafts for Whitehall's Missionary Cottage
- Paint Nights
- Seasonal Activities
- Impacting our community & environment
Men's Group
Men usually meet monthly 2nd Saturday of each month for breakfast, fellowship and Bible Study. Please check the calendar and watch for details.