
(724) 758-7970

Sunday School

Sundays 9:30 AM

Morning Worship

Sundays 10:30 AM

If you are interested in becoming involved and serving in areas of church ministry, contact one of the following Team leaders: (Team Members will be listed in order of Chairperson, Vice-Chair, Secretary, then in order of joining the specified ministry team AS EACH TEAM MEETS FOR THE FIRST TIME OF THE NEW YEAR AND SELECTS THEIR OFFICERS)

Officers of the Church

Pastor - Chairman, Tom Raraigh - Vice Chairman, Lisa Zeigler- Secretary, Michelle Shepler - Treasurer, Connie LeViere - Financial Secretary

Coordinating Team (2024)  

Tom Rareigh, Ed Crawford,  Robyn Hall, Michelle Shepler, Skip LeViere, Brandi Bingle and Barry Freed. 

Worship Team (2024)

Barry Freed, Cliff Kaufman, Autumn Heinz, Kyle Keener, Brandon Haswell, John Shepler, and Lori Syphrit

Discipleship Team (2024)

Brandi Bingle, Jen Parks, Lisa Zeigler, Ron Van Horn, Brenda West, Cindy Hunter, Donna Jones and Lydia Kingston.  Youth Rep: Lami Ziegler

Fellowship Team (2024)

Robyn Hall, Mary Chandler, Chris LeViere, Kim Kaufman, Kathy Rugh, Marsha Wiley and Cathy Spiker

Evangelism Outreach and Benevolence Team  (2024)

Michelle Shepler, Beth Freed, Krista Shepler, Stacy Jewell, and Dave Hall 

Property-Finance Team (2024)

Skip LeViere, Jeff Syphrit, Connie LeViere, Michelle Shepler, Dale Brown, Dale Pritchard, Mark Peeples, Dave Shepler,and John Rugh