
(724) 758-7970

Sunday School

Sundays 9:30 AM

Morning Worship

Sundays 10:30 AM

Events Calendar

Church Rummage Sale
Sunday, April 16, 2023, 08:00am
To Saturday, April 22, 2023

We will be having a church rummage sale the week of April 16 – 22nd. You can start bringing items in on March 26th and put them in the back room on the right in the gym. Larger items can be brought in beginning April 16th. Watch for more details but please plan to come out to help and we will be asking for donations of soup and baked goods. We are raising money to have the fellowship hall painted. It hasn’t been painted in years and after several rummage sales we are getting closer to our goal amount.

The hours for the Rummage Sale are Thursday, April 20th 6:00 – 8:00pm as a special preview for the church, not advertised to the public; Friday, April 21st 9:00am – 4:00pm and Saturday, April 22nd 9:00am – noon. Please start saving your gently used, clean, like new items to donate. The ladies will be accepting items through the week of the Rummage Sale through Thursday – they will not take items during the sale on Friday or Saturday. We will not be accepting any kitchen appliances or electronics – such as printers, computers, stereos, record players, televisions. We have to make restrictions because it is very hard to donate leftover items after the sale. Help will be needed as we set up the week of and donations of soup and baked goods. Watch the bulletin board for a sign up sheet.