
(724) 758-7970

Sunday School

Sundays 9:30 AM

Morning Worship

Sundays 10:30 AM

Members of the Mission Team for the Costa Rica mission trip in 2025 are Pastor John & Jen Davis, Barry & Beth Freed, Skip & Chris LeViere, Heather Pisano, and Krista & Michelle Shepler.

So, when is this trip happening? It seems like we’ve being hearing about it for So long now. It’s almost here! They will leave February 19th and return on February 27th!


Mission Trip Update: An exciting opportunity has arisen through our Mission trip connections. An anonymous donor that wants to contribute to our Sound/Speaker project has come forward to match our funds up to $3,000.  We need to increase our funds to get the match. There is an unexpected additional cost for transportation in Costa Rica, due to the missionary’s van being out of commission. Now through mid-December, would you consider making an extra gift to these two needs? Please note on your offering envelope and check "Mission Special Needs." These gifts can still be given as God lays it on your heart!