Upcoming Dates:
We are getting close to Opening Night! Please try to make as many practices between now and then that you can.
Next practice - Sunday March 23rd @ 6:00 for EVERYONE! Wear your costumes, and remember - no jewelery or eyeglasses!
*The dates of the play are 4/12 @ 7:30 p.m., 4/13 @ 3:00 p.m. & 4/18 @ 7:30 p.m.
TICKETS ARE NOW AVAILABLE! There will order forms at the Church or tickets may be ordered from the link on our home page.
A note for the kids:
Startring 3/23, the first night of costumes, all the balls are going to be put away during play practice and upcoming performances. We want the kids to not be all sweaty on stage. Crafts, table activities, and snacks will be available. If parents allow, your child may bring an electronic to play in between their scenes or if they have a favorite board game/cards, they want to bring to play with others they are welcome to bring it. Providence Church Youth will be helping with the kids next week.
On Good Friday, in between their scenes they will get to participate in an egg hunt. We are looking for donations. We are going to put numbers in eggs and the kids will get treats that correlate with that number. If anyone wants to donate anything we would appreciate nut free treats, or other items such as bubbles, stickers, lollipops, pencils, fruit snacks are just some examples. Please give donations to Jen Parks or there is a box outside the sanctuary labeled egg hunt for donations also. Please turn in items by April 6th.
Committee members are: Lami Ziegler, Donna Jones, Boyd West and Beth Freed.