Club Hope’s Night of Hope & Prayer
We will be hosting “Night of Hope and Prayer” here at the church on Tuesday, March 25th at 6:00pm. This is sponsored by the Club Hope Foundation. We would like to collect items for them to use in their chemo bags that are given to cancer patients. Here is a list of items we will be collecting March 1st - March 25th: chapstick, cocoa butter lotion, small packs of Epsom salts, water bottles, notebooks, crossword puzzles, sudoku puzzle books, word search books, adult & child coloring books, colored pencils, blankets, cards with encouraging words, Lipton boxed soup, popcorn, ginger candy. Please place your items in the box in the front narthex. See Donna Jones or Chris LeViere with any questions.
Club Hope Blanket Making Night - Sponsored by the Fellowship Team
We will gather on Tuesday evening, March 16th @ 6:00 to make fleece blankets to donate to Club Hope. Please join us! You can also make some on your own on your own schedule, or donate material. See a member of the Fellowship Team with questions.